Kids Activities

1. Making candles with your children at home

Including the children in your craft at home is most satisfying and a great family activity.
Rolling soy wax/beeswax would be the most user friendly activity.
If you choose to pour melted wax, be sure to set up safely so that no one gets hurt.
Always use the double saucepan method.
A responsible adult should control the pots on the stove and only give the children small amounts of wax ready to pour - do not carry hot wax around the kitchen.

2. I am having a party for my 10 year old – how would I plan candle making?

Generally we would recommend rolling soy wax/beeswax candles. However we have had some brave mums who are happy to melt wax and control the pots for a safe happy activity. I would recommend asking other adults to help supervise.